"Thanks to the @gr8conf crew for another fantastic conference this year!"
"My first #gr8conf EU, and it was really great, as the name implies. Thanks,
Groovy, Grails, Micronaut, Spock Framework, Geb, Gradle and the related technologies have seen astounding growth in interest and adoption the past few years, and with good reason. To spread the word even more, we created GR8Conf.
GR8Conf is a not-for-profit community driven conference, that for the past ten years has provided quality content for the Groovy Ecosystem. We focus on All Things Groovy, with DevOps, Microservices and Frontend Technologies sprinkled in.
A conference for developers, with core framework developers as speakers.
GR8Conf delivers focused content. No sales pitches, all technology, all centered around the Groovy Ecosystem.
Meet your peers, mingle with the speakers. GR8Conf is your opportunity to meet your Groovy rockstars!
The GR8Conf conferences are non-profit, vendor independent conferences. They are all run by volunteers, who's day job are working Groovy technologies.
Co-founder and organizer
GR8Conf was founded in 2009 by Guillaume Laforge (@glaforge) and Søren. Since then, Søren has been the driver behind GR8Conf.
If you want to get information about the next conference, then subscribe to our newsletter. The volume is not staggering.